
8/17/09 – An open letter from Christhiaon Coie [Susan Alamo’s daughter]

August 1, 2009
Christhiaon Coie

An open letter from Christhiaon Coie [Susan Alamo’s daughter]

I wanted to thank Tony Alamo News for bringing the truth about the Tony Alamo cult to all of us.

I want to thank Federal Prosecutor Kyra Jenner for having the guts to finally bring justice to this coward who has hidden behind a Bible for decades. 

She introduced truth and justice where no one else (other then IRS) had the chutzpa to tread. 

Had she and Special Agent Harris and Bishop not brought this evidence from this den of iniquity Tony would still be raping, beating, and starving these victims. 

None of these people will ever truly understand what they have put a stop to.

To the victims, especially the ones who took the stand, I do know how hard it is to take the stand and relive being violated. 

You told the truth and you guaranteed that he will never put his filthy hands on anyone again. 

You are my heroes. 

To any member or relative who have treated you badly because YOU were brave, they should drop to their knees and beg you to forgive them.

To the people who remain controlled by Tony, take a moment and try to remember what shame is. 

Try to remember what right and wrong are. 

Try to remember what freedom was. 

Today is your first day of freedom. 

I would not attempt to tell you what God wants you to do. I can sure tell you what he doesn’t want you to do. 

He doesn’t want you to hurt or allow anyone to hurt. 

I wish I could tell you my mother [Susan Alamo] was mistaken, that she meant well, or that she started out with a good idea to help. 

I can’t. 

She was cruel, violent, power and money hungry. 

She was really smart and when she found her puppet (Tony) she used her weak kneed, starving for love and approval daughter to lie for her and bring in her first and second victims. 

I have spent almost 40 years of my life trying to stop this.

Please stop and think, you have a chance to show your families that you have a brain along with that soul. 

Call the local authorities and tell them where weapons, documents, etc are hidden. 

Don’t let Tony destroy anymore of your lives. 

Remember what the Bible says. 

When you know the truth the truth will set you free.

In: Editorials, Former Member's Testimonies

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One Post

  1. Jim Says:

    thank you Christy,
    An incredible testimony and great insight to the real truth.
    I know…

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