7/20/09 – Developing News: Alamo Outburst During Testimony
July 20, 2009
Posted By: Charles Crowson
Posted By: Monika Rued
Developing News: Alamo Outburst During Testimony
During afternoon testimony Monday in the cirminal trial of Tony Alamo, the controversial evangelist became upset at FBI testimony.
FBI Special Agent Randall Harris testified that a bottle of Viagra was found in Alamo’s bathroom during the September 20th raid on the Fouke compound.
The prescription medication was for Tommy Scarcello, but was found in Alamo’s personal bathroom. Witnesses testified only Alamo was ever allowed to enter that bathroom.
Harris went on to connect an extensive money trail to California; a trail Alamo’s alleged victims had previously recounted on the stand.
At two separate points during witness testimony, Alamo became visibly beligerant, blurting out an expletive at one point and at another said, “After Waco, they were looking for safety from the FBI.” That comment was made when Special Agent Harris testified that the FBI was concerned about the safety of the alleged victims even though they were no longer part of Alamo’s group. Instead, the FBI had learned members of the church had learned the whereabouts of the alleged victims.
Three other witnesses testified this morning. The first testified that Alamo took her, her sister and another girl into his room, saying that God told him to marry two of them. She says that he chose her sister and the other girl.
The second witness, the mother of one of the Jane Does, testified that she thought her underage daughter marrying Alamo was God’s will, according to Alamo, and if she challenged it she’d go to hell. The witness testified that her daughter, then married to Alamo, told her to never talk about what went on in the church and to tell anyone who asked that she had a boyfriend.
The third witness testified as many as 10 women were married to Alamo while she was in the church.
During cross-examination, defense attorneys asserted that the FBI coached the witness about how to give her testimony.
During the lunch recess, Alamo attorney Phillip Kuhn said, “This is a brutal case and testimony. We’re going to have to focus on the intent of the cross-country trips and let the jury decide.”
When asked if he though the jury has already made up its mind, Kuhn replied, “Three things I never gues on: Women, judges and juries. I just don’t know.” Kuhn added that the decision for Alam to testify has not been made.
Today’s THV asked Alamo’s alleged wife Angela Morales if the activities discussed in court were true and, if so, why didn’t she help the girls. Morales responded, “I’m under subpoena and can’t comment.”
Alamo made his way into the federal courthouse in Texarkana at 6:35 Monday morning.
When asked to comment, Alamo told Today’s THV’s Charles Crowson, “We’re just gonna have to wait and see, right?”
When asked if he intended to take the stand, Alamo replied, “I don’t know.”
The prosecution is expected to wrap up this afternoon.