
7/22/09 – BREAKING NEWS: Alamo insists he’ll testify

Texarkana Gazette
July 22, 2009
By: Lynn LaRowe

Alamo insists he’ll testify

As a cuffed Tony Alamo was escorted into the federal courthouse Wednesday morning in downtown Texarkana, the controversial evangelist said he wants to testify.

“Why are you such a liar?” he shouted at reporters when asked why his lawyers are afraid to let him take the stand.

When asked what he had to gain by testifying, Alamo said, “I’m gonna tell all the different lies that were told that my attorneys never covered.”

The 74-year-old is accused of bringing young girls across state lines for sex in a 10-count federal indictment.

If convicted Alamo faces up to 30 years on three counts, up to 15 years on three others and up to 10 years on four.

In: 2009 - (Trial year)

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