11/16/09 – Victim to Tony Alamo: what kind of a man of God does what you have done? ***COMMENTS***
November 16, 2009
Margot Fernandez
Victim to Tony Alamo: what kind of a man of God does what you have done?
Tony Alamo, the disgraced preacher, has been sentenced to 175 years in prison as a result of his abuse of young girls, crucifying Jesus again in their flesh by sexual degradation and humiliation. He shamed them in private, violating their bodies, and in public, where they were paraded before the congregation as his “brides.”
One of them asked him, “What kind of a man of God does what you have done?” That is the question we are hoping to answer today. To do that we must consider the theological issue called the Nature of God.
Alamo’s victim has passed from one level of understanding to another. She now realizes that when Alamo demanded her body, he was wrong to do so. When he invoked the power of God’s name and salvation given or withheld, he was wrong.
Why did he get away with it, then? I believe that he had his followers convinced of a false premise. There are two ways to look at God. One of them is, whatever God says is right because God said it.
The other way, which I believe, is that God never does (or asks for) anything but good. We must make up our minds about what we believe about God. Who is God–what does he want? What does God want with each of us?
We don’t have to ask someone else to show us what is right and wrong. We have the capacity to make that decision ourselves. Because of that, parents protect their children and prepare them for adulthood in a sensible and nurturing way. So why did the parents of these girls give them up to Alamo’s depraved appetite?
The answer is simple: Alamo told them that it was God’s will that he rape their children. Remember, outside this cult, we have civil codes that say a little boy or girl cannot be violated sexually without penalty of law (which is what Alamo is facing now). Alamo found a way to get around the laws, at least temporarily, by persuading the parents of these little girls that it was OK because God said it was OK.
This leads us back to the nature of God. I can tell you that if some dirty old guy told me that I should surrender my daughter to him, it wouldn’t happen. My belief about God does not permit me to agree with that proposition–in other words, I disagree with his premise that God would approve.
The minute that you acquire the power to say no to a preacher–or a church–or a Pope–or the Bible–because they do not reflect an adequate concept of the nature of God, you have broken the power of the false Church to abuse you. So the idea that “anything is OK if God says it is” simply is not true.
God never does anything but good. God does not will anything but good. God wants us to do good and we fear that we will be punished if we do evil, even in God’s name–because it is impossible to do evil with God’s consent.
As the trial judge Henry F. Barnes said to Alamo, “Mr. Alamo, one day you will face a higher, a greater judge than me; may he have mercy on your soul.”
November 20th, 2009 at 12:36 am
May Judge Harry Barnes be blessed with sweet dreams for the rest of his life.
March 7th, 2013 at 7:33 pm
Amen Sister <3