
11/16/09 – Tony Alamo: the same old story–abusive do-it-yourself preacher
November 16, 2009
Margot Fernandez

Tony Alamo: the same old story–abusive do-it-yourself preacher

Fox News reports today that former preacher Tony Alamo has been sentenced to 175 years in prison for the sexual abuse of children. In this case he preyed on the daughters of the people who followed him, taking child brides as young as 8 years of age.

The trial of Alamo is already over; it was followed by a sentencing hearing in which some of his “brides” expressed their opinions now that they are adults and out of his reach. Those who testified against him also alleged that he threatened these children with loss of their salvation if they or their families refused his advances.

One of his victims responded to his plea for clemency (based on his age of 75) this way: “You have the audacity to ask for mercy. What mercy did you show us?” A moment later she asked, “What kind of man of God does what you have done?”

Another victim said, “Maybe the real God, not the God you made up, will have mercy on your soul.”

So we see what the bottom line is. By abusing these little girls, the only thing that Alamo really did–besides have sex with children–was to destroy their faith. Do you think that these young women have a lot of confidence in the church that stood aside just like their intimidated parents, and failed to protect them from a dirty old man? I don’t think they are going to be pushing the crowds aside to get into a church this coming Sunday, although I pray that they do seek out some sane religion as time goes by.

Think about this in regard stricly to yourself. Ask yourself: what would you say to one of these women? Would you have a really good reason for her to go to church? Can you explain the abuse that she suffered in such a way that she could understand and relate to? If you learned that a friend of yours had been abused, do you have words to comfort them and tell them that they can find support in the Church?

If you feel inadequate, you aren’t alone. But we all need to be ready for the walking wounded who might turn to us if they perceive that we care and we can be trusted. Think about this and be ready, for the time to draw upon your resources of compassion could be nearer than you think.

In: 2009 - (Trial year)

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