Press Democrat
August 20, 2009
GOODMAN: The Equal Rites Awards for 2009
Every year at this time, we prepare to celebrate Aug. 26, the anniversary of women’s suffrage, in our own quirky way. We cheerfully distribute the Equal Rites Awards to those who have done their best over the last 12 months to set back the cause of women.
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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Humor, Tony's Wives
I was born and raised in the Tony and Susan Alamo Christian Foundation. In the year 1993, I was already married and a mother when Tony threw my husband out of the group and damned him to hell for erroneous accusations. The Alamo Foundation was the only life I had ever known. At seventeen years old, in October 1993 I became the sixth wife in Tony’s harem. Tony was sixty-three.
If you had told me several months before that I would become Tony’s wife I might have thought you were crazy. I had never heard of polygamy until 1993, the same year my daughter was born. Apparently, Tony had my husband and another man from the group doing research on polygamy for quite some time beforehand. I knew nothing of it; neither did most members of the church. He was saving it, as a special revelation from God, to share with the members.
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In: Tony's Wives
To Whom It May Concern;
I, Cindi Jo, was born and raised in the Tony and Susan Alamo Christian Foundation. I am the oldest of four siblings. Knowing no other life, I thought my life was good. We had our own school, cafeteria, recreational center and, of course, church. As I got older things started to change. Tony’s wife, Susan had passed away and Tony remarried. I remember vividly playing on the playground and seeing Tony’s limo pull up. He got out with his expensive furs and diamonds. His wife decked out as well. Everybody stood around him as if he were God. That’s when things really started to change. Tony, shortly afterwards, remarried and then remarried again. He was going through one wife after another.
Things started to change for the worse. I lived in fear that if anything I did could possibly be misconstrued or twisted, there was the fear of being beaten.. It was a fear that became a reality so many times. When I look back now, I, as well as the other children, never deserved those beatings.
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In: Tony's Wives
This is Katrina’s mother’s testimony:
Here is what I know regarding Tony Alamo: I came to the foundation a long time ago and I really got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and dedicated my life to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the years I kept my eyes glued on God and minded my own business. To make a long story short, about 10 years ago, during the time when Tony Alamo was in prison he had asked if my 12 year old daughter, Katrina could come and stay at his house to be a companion to his stepdaughter, Rebecca, who also had been a good friend to my daughter. They were to be home schooled together. It sounded fine to my daughter and me.
At first I heard regularly from my daughter but after awhile I stopped being contacted. This started to really bother me so I told Tony I wanted her back home. Of course Tony rebuked me and told me I was interfering with God’s will. Much to my relief my daughter was sent home shortly after the rebuke from Tony Alamo.
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In: Tony's Wives
In early 1998 I started living in Tony Alamo’s house in Fouke, Arkansas off and on since I was 13 years old. I had been requested by Tony Alamo to stay at his house along with other young girls, one of which was Amy Eddy. There were several other women and girls there which were called his wives. Their names were Sharon Kruf, Lydia Willis, Michelle Jones, Jeannette Orlando, Elizabeth Guitirrez, Angel Streit, Isabel ?, Pebbles King and Amy Eddy. We would all go to visit him in prison in Texarkana, Texas. He was incarcerated on charges of tax evasion due to his church no longer falling under tax exempt status. We went to visit him every Saturday and Sunday. This is when all of my doubts of Tony Alamo began.
I had absolutely no sexual education at the time. My parents raised me on the guidelines that were given by Tony and that was absolutely no one talked about sex except for him. I would visit Tony with about 5 of the other wives and maybe another young girl or so depending on who he requested but I was on the list to go every week that I lived at that house. He would ask me to sit next to him (all the wives took turns sitting next to him). He talked of his younger wives. He told me that his wives wanted him to be inside of one of them while the other was licking him. He would go on about these sorts of sexual tales and justify, if you will, his telling them to me because he was not the one who conjured this it was his wives and he was just telling me. I was told to swear that I would never tell anyone the things that he told me. I didn’t understand why he talked to me like this but I kept the promise. Every single week more stories. He told me a story once of the wives of the wives “f—ing” as he would call it with a different wife’s father while that man’s daughter was baby-sitting and later joined in. I later found out that this was an illicit tale that was made up in his own head and that he pressured each one of the particular wives to exceedingly reluctantly confirm. This was how I began to realize how disgusting he was. He talked of how large his penis was and that “nigger’s dicks were nothing’” because he had seen them in the showers. I had to promise that I would never tell anyone the kind of language and profanity that he used during visits. There were several stories of Tony’s wives in bed, how large their breasts were, which one was “hot”, which one liked to be “on top”, which one was “freaky”, what each of them liked etc.
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In: Tony's Wives
Once in 1999 at Tony Alamo’s Home in Fouke Ark I, Donna B, witnessed Tabor eating sliced apples at the kitchen table and he dropped apiece and it fell on the floor, he bent down to pick it up as Tony Alamo walked into the room and Tony started screaming at him and accusing the little boy of throwing his food on the floor.
Tony grabbed Tabor from the table and dragged him into his bedroom and left the bedroom door open. He sat on his bed and screamed in Tabor’s little face for him to confess that he threw the food, because Tabor was trying to tell Tony that he just accidentally dropped the piece of apple, he didn’t throw it, but Tony would not believe him and hauled back with his hand and slapped Tabor in the mouth. Tabor fell down and Tony picked him up again and made his wives hold him up. so that Tony could have good aim as Tony started to haul back and slap him again he stopped and told one of his wives to get his ring off of the dresser and give it to him when Tony Alamo got the ring he put it on the hand that he was hitting tabor with and continued to punch Tabor. His ring made his punch more painful to the little boy. A couple of us that were watching fainted and when we woke up Tony was telling Tabor’s Mother that she was not allowed to go to Tabor and comfort him Tony said that Tabor needed to get tough, when tabor was crying in agonizing pain Tony told one of his wives to go to him and tie something around his mouth to keep him from making so much noise. The next day Tabor’s face was unrecognizable and his eye looked like it was so swollen that it was out of its socket. Tabor looked only to be about 5 or 6 years old at the time of this beating.
In: Tony's Wives
For everyone’s information I was there at 20644 Roscoe in Canoga Park Ca in early ’93 when Tony Alamo told myself and Bert Krantz that he had just become a polygamist (with Lydia Willis). After that he repeatedly denied it publicly – then he would explain in private that they were just concubines not wives. It’s gotta stop- just like all who deprive others of their God given liberty eventually get their judgment. – Simon
In: Tony's Wives
The following was posted on the Factnet discussion board. Click here to read more former member’s accounts of living in the group.
I remember this one time we were at one of the many warehouses owned by the Alamo Foundation. A few kids were there packaging candy for Bruce G. Tony Alamo called and asked for Lizzie G. Man was that a Kodak moment – her countenance fell 3 stories. She got on the phone and you could tell Tony wanted her to be his wife. I heard Lizzie say I’ll ask God for a sign. I heard Tony Alamo yell on the other line
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In: Tony's Wives