

11/8/13 – Times Record Editorial: Tony Alamo’s Punishment Seems Inadequate ***COMMENTS***

Times Record Online Edition
November 8, 2013

Tony Alamo’s Punishment Seems Inadequate

It’s a story we hope is moving toward its conclusion. A federal magistrate last week ordered six properties of evangelist and convicted sex offender Tony Alamo sold to satisfy part of the civil judgement against him.

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In: 2013, Editorials

11/16/09 – Victim to Tony Alamo: what kind of a man of God does what you have done? ***COMMENTS***

November 16, 2009
Margot Fernandez

Victim to Tony Alamo: what kind of a man of God does what you have done?

Tony Alamo, the disgraced preacher, has been sentenced to 175 years in prison as a result of his abuse of young girls, crucifying Jesus again in their flesh by sexual degradation and humiliation. He shamed them in private, violating their bodies, and in public, where they were paraded before the congregation as his “brides.”

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials

EDITORIAL #1: An Open Letter to the Children and Parents of the Alamo Foundation


I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Christhiaon Coie. My Mother was Susan Alamo, the actual founder of the Tony and Susan Alamo Christian Foundation. Some of my earliest memories and things that my late brother Charlie told me are of Momma leaving him, a teenage boy, to care for me. With no food, milk, or cash and with landlords banging on doors for their rent, Charlie couldn’t stand it any more and ran away and joined the Navy.

From that day on it was Momma and me. One day my Mother would drag me to a church. I would sing and she would preach and we would leave with a LOVE offering. When the unmarked cans would be almost gone and the beer supply would dwindle the beatings would escalate; some so bad that school was out of the question. She finally took me out of school in the eighth grade.

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In: Editorials

11/15/09 – TG EDITORIAL: Just Desserts; Wheels of justice grind slowly, but they eventually caught up with Tony Alamo ***COMMENTS***

Texarkana Gazette
November 15, 2009

Just Desserts;
Wheels of justice grind slowly, but they eventually caught up with Tony Alamo

Justice sometimes takes time. And often, we are convinced, it is not done in chronological time, one of our human measuring sticks.

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials

8/17/09 – An open letter from Christhiaon Coie [Susan Alamo’s daughter]

August 1, 2009
Christhiaon Coie

An open letter from Christhiaon Coie [Susan Alamo’s daughter]

I wanted to thank Tony Alamo News for bringing the truth about the Tony Alamo cult to all of us.

I want to thank Federal Prosecutor Kyra Jenner for having the guts to finally bring justice to this coward who has hidden behind a Bible for decades. 

She introduced truth and justice where no one else (other then IRS) had the chutzpa to tread. 

Had she and Special Agent Harris and Bishop not brought this evidence from this den of iniquity Tony would still be raping, beating, and starving these victims. 

None of these people will ever truly understand what they have put a stop to.

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In: Editorials, Former Member's Testimonies

7/26/09 – Alamo Case Reaches Its Fine Verdict: Bye, Bye, Bernie

Times Record – Ft. Smith, Arkansas
July 26, 2009

Alamo Case Reaches its Fine Verdict


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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials

7/26/09 – TG: We haven’t heard the last of Convicted Child Sex Offender Tony Alamo

Texarkana Gazette
July 26, 2009
By: Elthel Channon

We haven’t heard the last of Alamo

It is ever so tempting to believe we have heard the last of Tony Alamo—or nearly the last.

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials

7/29/09 – Tony Alamo could use a prison consultant

The Arkansas Leader
July 28, 2009
Leader editor-in-chief

Alamo could use a prison consultant

Tony Alamo, the self-anointed preacher and serial child molester, looked nervous outside the federal courthouse in Texarkana on Friday.

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials, News Blogs & Forums

7/27/09 – Just another prophet?
July 29, 2009
Erik DiVietro

Just another prophet?

Evangelist Tony Alamo (AKA Bernie LaZar Hoffman, Marcus Abad, Mark Hoffman) is going to prison – again. On Friday, a federal jury convicted him of ten counts of transporting young girls across state lines for sexual purposes. The maximum penalty for his conviction is 175 years.

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials, News Blogs & Forums

7/29/09 – ADG: SWEET TEA: The Gospel of whom, Mr. Alamo?

Arkansas Democrat Gazette
July 28, 2009
By Jay Grelen

SWEET TEA: The Gospel of whom, Mr. Alamo?

For which gospel exactly is Tony Alamo headed to the hoosegow?

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In: 2009 - (Trial year), Editorials

NEW SECTION: Editorials (submitted by concerned readers)

Tony Alamo News is Accepting Editorials for Publication from Concerned Readers

Share your views on ANY of the news articles or things happening with the Alamo group by submitting a well thought out post with proper punctuation and spelling so that it can be reviewed and posted promptly (as space allows).

Editorial Guidelines:

Please title your editorial to reflect the main subject or topic. You may include links to websites that point to your topic’s source but no advertisements or promotions will be allowed. Please sign your editorial exactly as you want your name to appear. Anonymous editorials will be accepted.

Submissions are held in queue for moderation and approval.

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In: Editorials

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