
NEW SECTION: Editorials (submitted by concerned readers)

Tony Alamo News is Accepting Editorials for Publication from Concerned Readers

Share your views on ANY of the news articles or things happening with the Alamo group by submitting a well thought out post with proper punctuation and spelling so that it can be reviewed and posted promptly (as space allows).

Editorial Guidelines:

Please title your editorial to reflect the main subject or topic. You may include links to websites that point to your topic’s source but no advertisements or promotions will be allowed. Please sign your editorial exactly as you want your name to appear. Anonymous editorials will be accepted.

Submissions are held in queue for moderation and approval.

Due to space restraints and limited resources, not all editorials submitted will be posted. We would like to thank you, in advance, for your understanding and careful consideration before submitting an editorial. This is not a discussion forum so please do not attempt to communicate with the posters. However, comments will be open on all editorials posted.

Inappropriate editorials will not be approved by the moderator. Submissions that contain foul language, threats or personal identifying information about another person without that person’s explicit consent will not be approved for posting.

In: Editorials

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Please note: All comments are moderated. There is no need to resubmit your comment. Please submit a well thought out post with proper punctuation and spelling, so that it can be reviewed and posted promptly (as space allows).

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