Tony Alamo Seeks to Advise Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton in Exchange for Pardon
Now posted on the Alamo Ministries web site are three letters dated January 3, 2011 from Tony Alamo; one to President Barack Obama, and one each to former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Taken at face value, all three letters seem to come from some parallel universe with only a passing similarity to the world we recognize. The letters come from a bizarre world in which presidents take seriously what Tony Alamo might have to say, are easily led to suppose that Tony Alamo’s federal conviction and 175 year sentence were actually persecution for his beliefs, and are willing to consider the possibility that Alamo has heard from God how to resolve the conflict in the Middle East.
This is all hilariously funny but at the same time puzzling. Can Alamo truly think Obama, Bush, and Clinton will possibly fall for such utter lunacy? The answer apparently is yes. What these letters suggest is that Alamo is possessed by a combination of narcissism and megalomania which leave him truly incapable of recognizing where his own malignant fantasies of power and grandeur end and the real world begins. He is not just a criminal. He is criminally insane. One must wonder what current members think when reading these letters and why they continue to support him.
This Bible verse defines Tony Alamo (2 Tim 3:13 KJV) But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Evangelist Tony Alamo told a girl who questioned one of his orders that he was “still in charge” of his Arkansas religious compound even from a Texas jail cell, according to recorded calls played Tuesday in his sex-crimes trial.
Evangelist Tony Alamo walked into court Tuesday and told reporters he planned to take the stand in his sex-crime trial, even though his lawyers have advised against it.
In a phone interview Sunday, Tony Alamo gave his stance on the activities at his Tony Alamo Christian Ministries in Fouke, Ark., Click for Alamo InterviewSaturday night, when federal and state agents raided the facility, executed search warrants and questioned young children about allegations of child pornography and sexual abuse.
CNN) — Federal and state police raided an evangelist’s compound in Arkansas late Saturday to investigate whether any children have been physically or sexually abused, officials said.
If there is one thing you won’t hear a lot of on Tony Alamo’s radio programs, that would have to be the preaching of the gospel. When reviewing the many programs of his on his website it seems that one theme remains constant (other than fornication and adultery). Tony Alamo is in love with himself. He thinks he is the best preacher, the best promoter, the best idea man, etc. One thing is for sure, he is the best at lying and getting away with it. Below are some sound bites that we have called “I’m The Best” because they glorify and promote Tony Alamo and his many accomplishments (according to him) from his own lips. Surprisingly most of his claims to fame can not be verified.
Due to the enormous number of these sound bites, (practically every single audio program that Tony Alamo has ever made includes him bragging about his self) we are only able to include these few.
As we know to be the case for most criminals incarcerated or released from prison for a crime – they almost always say they were “railroaded”, “framed” and most definitely they were “innocent”. Tony Alamo is no exception. Unfortunately, his cries of innocence fall on deaf ears when one considers the fact that all of the evidence and witnesses were presented at trial and a jury of his peers found that he was indeed guilty.
Alamo rambles on incessantly about how he was set up by the IRS and the Anti-Christ government because he was preaching the gospel. So now he tells anyone who will listen that he was put in jail for the “gospel sake”. This sounds a lot better than federal tax evasion. PLUS he gets the added bonus of being in the mile high club with all of the other “religious convicts” that were criminals for the gospel sake; Peter, Paul, John, Jesus. Being a self proclaimed prophet, he claims he is in good company.
Alamo is still using the “persecution” card when people try to bring to light his lies and deceit. Recently, the citizens of Fouke, AR have had enough and began their own campaign to make the community aware of what is going on behind Alamo’s compound. This has prompted the “World Pastor” to bring (what he describes as) several “powerful soul-winning messages” about God “annihilating” all who come against Alamo’s church. He mentions several people who have suffered heart attacks and claims it was because they came against the Alamo church.
There is a little known fact amongst anyone who actually knows Tony Alamo and how he uses psychology to get his followers to obey and believe he actually hears from the Lord. One of the more effective methods is to claim that anyone who becomes ill has been afflicted by God because their soul has fallen away or they have been sinning and they are going to hell by some disease that has manifested because of their rotten souls. In this sound bite he offers to “lay hands on them and cure them” if God allows him to.
The messages were divided into 2 parts. Each part is approximately 45 minutes long. By clicking on one of the messages below you will download the file to your computer and listen to it with your specific audio program. You might need RealPlayer to listen to the files. Click here to download the free version of RealPlayer
If you have been doing your research and paying attention to the verifiable facts on this website, you are aware that Tony Alamo is the self proclaimed prophet and leader of the Alamo Ministries. You are also aware that NOTHING is done within the group without his direct approval or direction. If you have to go to the doctor, you have to ask Tony’s permission. If you have to go to the dentist, you have to ask Tony’s permission. If you need anything at all, you must ask Tony to acquire it for you.
This being said, it would seem very unlikely that you don’t have to ask Tony for permission to marry someone. However, that is what he claims in this sound bite. Many people have witnessed the child weddings and we were lucky enough to get an actual photo from the day one of the ceremonies took place. Click here to view the wedding photo of twelve year old Jackie Garner.
Tony Alamo has repeatedly denied being a polygamist, even though he supports the idea publicly through audio messages on ploygamy that were handed out to his followers in the 1990’s. His continuous lies under oath and over the years make the validity of his statements questionable. The fact that he pled the Fifth when asked about his multiple wives and the numerous witnesses that have come forward with information to the contrary does little to persuade people to believe his side of the story.
Since Tony Alamo began practicing polygamy and including young girls as his new brides, he has maintained the same defense on the issue of the right to marry children. He justifies the marrying of children by defining any young girl who has begun menstruating as being of child bearing age, therefore they are women and of marriageable age. To those of us who have daughters who are 8, 9 and 10 years of age and in the early stages of puberty, this explanation is an outrage and meant to justify his perverse desire to be intimate with children.
These are short sound bites from Tony Alamo’s messages . These message can be heard, in their entirety, here and the older ones can be heard here.
Due to copyright laws we are not able to post verbatim the entire contents of the document. However, we are attaching it for your reading pleasure as per the request at the bottom of the article which states: