
VIDEO NEWS REPORT – 6/11/13 – Federal Prosecutors seek to sell Alamo properties (Shreveport, Louisiana)
June 11, 2013
By Julie Parr

Federal Prosecutors seek to sell Alamo properties

Federal prosecutors are trying to seize and then sell more than two dozen properties held by convicted evangelist Tony Alamo’s ministries.

The proceeds would be given to children Alamo was convicted of abusing.

In 2009, Alamo was convicted of taking young girls across state lines for sex and is serving a 175-year prison sentence.

The U.S Attorney’s office recently filed court papers to seize Alamo-related properties in Fort Smith, Fouke and Texarkana.

The Tony Alamo Christian Ministry was set up in the Texarkana area the 1990’s, while Alamo was serving federal prison time for tax evasion.

“Alamo’s followers wanted to be closer to him and they came down and bought property,” said Mayor Terry Purvis. “They decided to set up camp here.”

On paper the properties were owned by various members of Alamo’s church, but the government argues Alamo still has control.

When Alamo went to prison in 2009, he was ordered to pay $2.5 million dollars in restitution to five victims.

The government says Alamo has not made any restitution payments and now they’re asking permission to sell 12 properties in Miller County and 15 in Sebastian County.

“We don’t know what kind of shape these properties are in because it’s such a secret society,” said Purvis.

While more than 60 Alamo followers have filed that the properties belong to them, Mayor Purvis says he’s already received community inquiries about purchasing the properties.

Alamo is also facing other civil lawsuits over his alleged abuse.

He’s currently serving his sentence in a federal prison in Arizona.

Prosecutors are trying to seize a total of 27 properties associated with the ministry.

In: 2013, Breaking News, Videos - Television

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