
3/20/09 – BLOG: Alamo’s lawyer says he’s too puny to have sex with teenage girls

Crime Scene KC
March 20, 2009
by James Hart

Evangelist’s lawyer says he’s too puny to have sex with teenage girls

Tony Alamo, the evangelist accused of having sex with underage girls, has a new defense attorney, and that attorney is rolling out an interesting defense:

California lawyer Danny Davis told The Associated Press that “it would be physically impossible” for the 74-year-old man to have sex with girls in showers and buses — accusations lodged by authorities who arrested Alamo on Sept. 25.

“As a younger man, he was a strong bull of a man. At 74, he’s close to half of the weight,” Davis said of his client.

This also explains why Alamo couldn’t have taken the girls across state lines, Davis said — his eyesight is too poor to drive.

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2 Posts

  1. jim Says:

    Never was a bull of a man although I will admit he was always a man full of bull.

  2. PACA Says:

    I’m sure by the time trial comes around , Alamo will be slimmer but only because he doesn’t like the jail food and he won’t come out to exercise. He was fit and healthy at the bond hearing. Maybe that is part of their strategy. Keep him in a cell as long as possible so he will look old and sickly.

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