
Conferences & Workshops

ICSA: 2019 Annual International Conference Manchester, UK – July 4-6, 2019

Preconference Workshops, July 3, 2019
The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) will conduct its 2019 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal and with the Psychology of Coercive Control Masters Program and the Connected Lives Diverse Realities Research Group and Criminal Justice Hub at the University of Salford.
Conference Theme
Coercive Control and the Psychology of Influence across Comparative Contexts – Implications for Policy, Practice and the Criminal Justice Process
Manchester Video
Agenda – Computers
Agenda – Phones
Getting There
Health Insurance
Financial Help
Email Messages
Conf. Committee
About ICSA Annual Conferences
ICSA’s annual conference is THE event in this field. The annual conference is typically three days in length with pre-conference workshops for former group members, researchers, mental health professionals, and educators.

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In: 2019, Conferences & Workshops

ICSA: A Workshop for Those Born or Raised in Cultic Groups or Relationships – April 26-28, 2019 – Chester, CT

Surviving and Moving On After a High-Demand Group Experience: A Workshop for Those Born or Raised in Cultic Groups or Relationships

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In: 2019, Conferences & Workshops

Details for ICSA’s 2018 Annual Conference in Philadelphia (July 5-7; preconference events July 4) are now available online, including registration, agenda, speakers, abstracts, hotel, etc.

Details for ICSA’s 2018 Annual Conference in Philadelphia (July 5-7; preconference events July 4) are now available online, including registration, agenda, speakers, abstracts, hotel, etc.

Go here for details: (look left for links)

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In: 2018, Conferences & Workshops

ICSA Conference – June 30, 2016 to July 2, 2016 in Dallas Texas

ICSA Conference – June 30, 2016 to July 2, 2016 in Dallas Texas

The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2016 Annual International Conference with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal in Dallas, Texas. The conference will take place from June 30 through July 2, 2016 (preconference workshops on Wednesday June 29).

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In: Conferences & Workshops

ICSA CONFERENCE – Workshop for People Born or Raised in Cultic Groups. April 4-6, 2014 in Chester, CT. Time running out to register. ***COMMENTS***

ICSA CONFERENCE – Time running out to register. Workshop for People Born or Raised in Cultic Groups. April 4-6, 2014 in Chester, CT

Surviving and Moving On After a High-Demand Group Experience: A Workshop for Second-Generation Former Members

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In: 2014, Conferences & Workshops

ICSA CONFERENCES COMING UP IN 2013 – July, 2013 Manipulation, Abuse and Maltreatment in Groups, Trieste, Italy


ICSA 2013 Annual Conference
Manipulation, Abuse, and Maltreatment in Groups

Trieste, Italy
July 4-6, 2013

The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2013 Annual International Conference jointly with SOS Abusi Psicologici, Exit S.C.S. Onlus, and Info-Secte/Info-Cult.
The conference will be held in Trieste, Italy from Thursday, July 4, 2013, through Saturday, July 6, 2013. Trieste is considered to be one of the less-known jewels of Italy. The city overlooks the Adriatic Sea and is less than one hour from Venice or the stunning Adriatic coastline (see photos).
Attendees and speakers at past conferences have been diverse, including academicians, researchers, helping professionals, former and current group members, families, attorneys, clergy, educators, and others.
Sessions will be in English and/or Italian.
In addition to numerous other sessions, two thematic tracks are planned.
One track will examine various aspects of the question “Are there cultic aberrations in the Catholic Church?” Contributors will include priests and other clergy, researchers, mental health professionals, and other individuals discussing specific examples of cultic aberrations.
A second track will examine the subject of “Human Rights, the Law, and New Religious Movements: Finding a Balance.” This track will examine relevant human-rights documents, free-speech issues, how NRMs’ religious freedom has been abused, how NRMs have abused the human rights of members and nonmembers, and how press reports and popular prejudices can harm NRM members and former members of NRMs. A closing discussion will attempt to define the parameters of balanced public policy that respects religious freedom and the free speech and other rights of members and former members of NRMs. Participants will include law professors, attorneys, researchers, mental health professionals, and others.
Other sessions will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to manipulation, abuse, and maltreatment in groups, including some themes that will have practical benefits for families and/or former members of groups. Information on sessions and speaker biographical sketches will be posted on the Web, as will details about planned preconference events on Wednesday, July 3rd.
ICSA annual conferences typically have from 80 to 120 speakers, so there will be much to choose from.
Interested persons may take advantage of early registration fees by completing the form below and sending it to ICSA. The early registration fee is $100 for current ICSA members (including member speakers) and their families; $175 for others. All fees are in US dollars (USD). Full-time students have a special rate.
Italian citizens are eligible for a special rate, due to a government grant. They should contact SOS Abusi Psicologici:
Your contribution helps ICSA help others.

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In: Conferences & Workshops

Recovery Workshop for Former Group Members – JULY, 2013, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Recovery Workshop for Former Group
Friday 3:00 p.m. July 26, 2013 to Sunday 3:00 p.m. July 28,
Franciscan Retreat/Conference Center, Colorado Springs,

About ICSA Ex-Member Workshops
These workshops are for former group members only, not family or friends (ICSA has other workshops for these persons.)
Topics discussed typically include:
* The nature of psychological manipulation and abuse
* Conditions of thought reform programs
* General recovery needs of former members
* Effects of hypnosis and trance techniques
* Critical thinking
* Relationships and intimacy
* Post-traumatic stress disorder
* Boundaries: re-establishing trust
* Decision-making
* Reestablishing trust in yourself and others
* Dependency issues
* The grieving process
* Reintegration/identity issues
* Special track for those born into or raised in a cultic group
The workshops are organized and coordinated by Carol Giambalvo, a thought reform consultant, former member of a controversial group, and author/editor of Exit Counseling: A Family Intervention and The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ (Herbert L. Rosedale, co-editor). Mrs. Giambalvo serves ICSA as Director of Recovery Programs, which include workshops, special publications, professional liaison, and outreach.

The Facilitators
Leona Furnari, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in Boulder, CO, specializing in recovery from trauma, including recovery from abusive groups and relationships. Ms. Furnari is a former member of an Eastern/New Age group, and it was that experience that led to her commitment to help others recover from abusive groups. She has been a regular facilitator/presenter at ICSA’s Recovery Workshops for 15 years. She has worked as a school social worker and facilitated support groups for adolescents dealing with grief, family change and peer relationships.
Carol Giambalvo is an ex-cult member who has been a Thought Reform Consultant since 1984 and a cofounder of reFOCUS, a national support network for former cult members. She is on ICSA’s Board of Directors, Director of ICSA’s Recovery Programs, and is responsible for its Project Outreach. Author of Exit Counseling: A Family Intervention, co-editor of The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ, and co-author of “Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants,” Ms. Giambalvo has written and lectured extensively on cult-related topics. (

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In: Conferences & Workshops

Leaving and Recovering from Cultic Groups and Relationships: A Seminar for Families and Former Members – MAY, 2013, Orlando, Florida


Leaving and Recovering from Cultic Groups and Relationships: A Seminar for Families and Former Members
Friday 3:00 p.m. May 17, 2013 to Sunday 3:00 p.m. May 19, 2013
Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center, 1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo [Orlando], FL 32765 (407-365-5571)

This seminar brings together family members and former members so that each group can benefit from the perspectives of the other. In order to promote participation by attendees, the seminar will consist of brief 30 minute lectures followed by an hour of discussion on topics such as the following:
* Overview of joining, leaving, and recovery
* Why people leave groups
* Recovery needs of former members
* Trance and triggers
* Trauma and recovery
* Building relationships
* Breakouts for families, former members
* Evening films followed by discussion
This workshop has been made possible by donations to ICSA and the willingness of facilitators to volunteer their time. Without the dedication of these people, registration fees would be much higher than they are. Registration fees are quite low, given that they cover two nights’ occupancy and six meals. If you are financially needy, please contact us at (239)-514-3081 or All contacts will be kept strictly confidential.
Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center, a mission and ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, provides a peaceful, lakeside setting for groups and individual guests to enjoy. Canterbury Retreat is located just minutes away from Orlando and just 40 minutes to local area tourist attractions. Please make note that some Map / GPS data bases have Canterbury located on the west side of Alafaya Trail / Hwy 434 when actually it is on the East side. Taxis from Orlando International Airport cost about $60. However, you can contact Sue at Canterbury to arrange a shuttle (sharing possible):
Because other groups use the Center and we have reserved a limited number of rooms, all rooms are likely to be taken by the time of the event. REGISTER ASAP or you may not be able to attend. Refunds available, if you give us at least a two-week advance notice.


In: Conferences & Workshops

Surviving and Moving On After a High-Demand Group Experience A Workshop for Second-Generation Former Members – April 2013, Chester, Connecticut


Surviving and Moving On After a High-Demand Group Experience
A Workshop for Second-Generation Former Members
Friday 3:00 PM April 26, 2013 to Sunday 2:00 PM April 28, 2013

Guest House Retreat & Conference Center, 318 West Main Street, Chester, CT 06412 (860–322–5770)

As increasing numbers of people born or raised in cultic movements have reached adulthood, the International Cultic Studies Association has developed a program that addresses their special needs.
Second-Generation Adults (SGAs) do not have a “precult identity” to which they can return. Raised in fringe subcultures, they frequently have educational and other skill deficits that interfere with adjustment to mainstream culture. Having grown up in groups based on irrational belief systems, SGAs struggle with issues of dependency, self-esteem, and social conflict. They often have to deal with the trauma of physical and/or sexual abuse. SGAs have difficulty getting help because they tend to lack finances and be wary of other people, including helpers.
Meeting annually since 2006, this workshop addresses the needs of SGAs through presentations by specialists and former members, including discussions in which attendees may participate according to their comfort levels. Special attention is paid to the need of SGAs for privacy, reflection, and working at their own pace.
Workshop subjects include
o critical thinking
o socialization, culture shock, and acculturation
o psychological development, boundaries, and trust
o long-term psychological, educational, and emotional effects of growing up in a culture of abuse and neglect
o relationships with families and others
o resiliency
This workshop has been made possible by special donations and the willingness of facilitators to volunteer their time. Without the dedication of these people, registration fees would be much higher than they are. Donations cover a substantial portion of the total cost. Because many SGAs struggle financially, we urge those in need to apply for additional assistance. Please contact us at 239–514–3081 or All contacts will be kept strictly confidential.
Guest House is a delightful retreat and conference center in the scenic Connecticut River Valley. It offers spacious guest rooms with private bathrooms, superb cuisine, and amenities that range from a grand piano in the lobby to wireless Internet in every room. Travel directions by car, train, and air, along with other convenient links, are available at Contact ICSA for possible help with ground transportation from Amtrak or Metro-North, or from nearby airports.


In: Conferences & Workshops

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