ICSA 2013 Annual Conference
Manipulation, Abuse, and Maltreatment in Groups
Trieste, Italy
July 4-6, 2013
The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2013 Annual International Conference jointly with SOS Abusi Psicologici, Exit S.C.S. Onlus, and Info-Secte/Info-Cult.
The conference will be held in Trieste, Italy from Thursday, July 4, 2013, through Saturday, July 6, 2013. Trieste is considered to be one of the less-known jewels of Italy. The city overlooks the Adriatic Sea and is less than one hour from Venice or the stunning Adriatic coastline (see photos).
Attendees and speakers at past conferences have been diverse, including academicians, researchers, helping professionals, former and current group members, families, attorneys, clergy, educators, and others.
Sessions will be in English and/or Italian.
In addition to numerous other sessions, two thematic tracks are planned.
One track will examine various aspects of the question “Are there cultic aberrations in the Catholic Church?” Contributors will include priests and other clergy, researchers, mental health professionals, and other individuals discussing specific examples of cultic aberrations.
A second track will examine the subject of “Human Rights, the Law, and New Religious Movements: Finding a Balance.” This track will examine relevant human-rights documents, free-speech issues, how NRMs’ religious freedom has been abused, how NRMs have abused the human rights of members and nonmembers, and how press reports and popular prejudices can harm NRM members and former members of NRMs. A closing discussion will attempt to define the parameters of balanced public policy that respects religious freedom and the free speech and other rights of members and former members of NRMs. Participants will include law professors, attorneys, researchers, mental health professionals, and others.
Other sessions will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to manipulation, abuse, and maltreatment in groups, including some themes that will have practical benefits for families and/or former members of groups. Information on sessions and speaker biographical sketches will be posted on the Web, as will details about planned preconference events on Wednesday, July 3rd.
ICSA annual conferences typically have from 80 to 120 speakers, so there will be much to choose from.
Interested persons may take advantage of early registration fees by completing the form below and sending it to ICSA. The early registration fee is $100 for current ICSA members (including member speakers) and their families; $175 for others. All fees are in US dollars (USD). Full-time students have a special rate.
Italian citizens are eligible for a special rate, due to a government grant. They should contact SOS Abusi Psicologici: http://www.sosabusipsicologici.it/index.php/en/contatti.
Your contribution helps ICSA help others.
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